James Denmon

James Denmon

Audio Visual Design and Integration

I am first off a Father and Husband. I have three amazing kids and an awesome wife that has (for some reason) put up with me for 32 years. I enjoy the outdoors (kayaking, hiking, fishing) and love to play music. I'm skilled at all things AV.


Dynamic Audio Visual Systems, LLC

Dynamic Audio Visual Systems, LLC


609 Bentwood Trail
Canton, GA 30114


My best clients are any business that has a need for Digital Signage, Training or Conference Rooms, or Music systems or Churches /Theaters that have any AV needs. We can handle any size room and offer Design, Engineering, Integration, and Training.


Best Client Workshop 10/16/2023
InfoMinute Seminar 10/16/2023
Orientation Essentials 10/16/2023


Downtown Woodstock Team

Joined on 09/22/2023


The way I educate my clients is to spend time with them and determine what the really need. Then I teach them why certain options will benefit them while others (which they may have wanted to begin with) will not. Then, once the decision has been made and the systems are in place I meet with their tech teams and do a comprehensive training on how to operate the systems. They also know that I am just a phone call, text, or email away should they have additional questions. When I say I educate my clients I mean it in a very literal sense. 

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