Savannah Samples

Savannah Samples

Concierge Service


Example email I would type up using Barry from Legal:


Good morning client!

Hope you had a productive week. I'd love for you to meet Barry. He's a reputable patent attorney that would be the person to look at this new idea with you and get you legal protection. Barry has been in this field over 30 years and will dive in the weeds with you to do market research to see if this is a good idea or a great idea.

As this is a household cleaning product you'd like to discuss, I would love to tag along for lunch to be one of your guinea pigs as you get going. Client, will you please let us know a neighborhood you're interested in meeting and Barry can confirm for the group?


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Atlanta, GA 30313


Best Client Workshop 06/17/2024
InfoMinute Seminar 06/17/2024
Orientation Essentials 06/17/2024


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