Scott Self

Scott Self

Computer Service


My name is Scott Self, I am married to my beautiful wife Ritchel, we have two Chihuahuas, Jay-Jay & Mayya. I was in the USAF for 13 years & a Federal contractor in IT for 11 years. I have a BS in cybersecurity and certifications in IT networks & systems.


Business Services | Technology

Computer Service

Tech Support



Project Management

Access Control

eWaste Disposal


IT Managed Services

IT Consulting

Network Solutions

Custom Built Computers

Data Backup & Restoral Services

Audio Visual Systems

Filing Cabinet






My clients are small businesses in need of top-down IT services and equipment. We provide a single IT package with one POC for all of the client's needs with the cost of IT equipment built into the service contract thus saving them hassles and money!


Wireless Networking Services

Packet sniffing, rouge access points, MITM attacks, and war driving are just a few Wi-Fi hacking terms you probably haven’t heard of. What is the one thing all these attacks have in common…besides the bad guy of course? Each of these attacks was possible due to a failed install or poor management of the Wi-Fi system itself. Wi-Fi makes office connections easy, flexible, and much cheaper than a wired network installed throughout the building. For businesses, especially when starting out, cost is the prime concern, but what is the cost of a hacked network? Government fines, lawsuits, ransomware payouts, and the reputation hit can mean the end of a business. Every business that operates a Wi-Fi system must understand and mitigate the risks associated with its use. A Wi-Fi system security review and certification can provide peace-of-mind. I’m a great referral for your colleague that wants to know her Wi-Fi system is secure and not a threat to her business. I’m Scott Self with SMS-ITC, thank you!


1.  I contribute to my team by performing the role of backup Participation Coordinator, the primary and I take turns running the script participation during the me3eting so either of us can take on the responsibilities when the other cannot attend the meeting.


2.  I am also a memeber and ambassador for the Gwinnett County Chamber of Commerce, I frequently find visitors and referrals for my team at the many networking events I attand each month.  I have gotten quite good at recognizing both a good fit for our team as a memeber and working referrals into my conversations with the other business leaders I meet at the chamber.

Referral Trigger Response

North Gwinnett Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 11/06/2023


ParticipationCoOrdinator 04/08/2024
VisitorCoOrdinator 02/05/2025


InfoMinute Seminar 11/20/2023
Orientation Essentials 11/20/2023
