Barry Edwards

Barry Edwards

Estate Attorney

Adventure lover who enjoys Brazilian jiujitsu, jogging, and mountain hikes. Passionate about fall whitetail deer hunting and gaining new perspectives through travel abroad. Balancing an active lifestyle with curiosity and a yearning for learning.


Matt Willett and I could do a joint presentation on succession planning. I could discuss succession planning for individuals and Matt could discuss succession planning for businesses.  

Possible topics I could cover:

- What is a will?

- What is a trust?

- What are the Pros & Cons of each for estate planning purposes?

Referral Trigger Response

Edwards Law, LLC

Edwards Law, LLC


3355 Lenox Road NE
Suite 750
Atlanta, GA 30326


My clients are parents with multiple real estate holdings who worry about their children's financial well-being if something happens to them. An estate plan can give their children protection from economic uncertainty and access to better education.


GateOpener Workshop 07/15/2024
InfoMinute Seminar 07/15/2024
InfoMinute Seminar 05/20/2024
7-Minute Presentation Workshop 05/20/2024
Orientation Essentials 05/20/2024


Brookhaven Team

Joined on 05/06/2024


MembershipCoOrdinator 02/11/2025


Financial Services | Legal

Estate Attorney



Power of Attorney

Advance Directive for Healthcare

Filing Cabinet