David Green

David Green



ATL native, Navy Band Vet. 29 for many years. If you go to an Atlanta United match, I'm often one of the thousands by the goal waving flags, throwing drinks at each other when we score, & yelling choice words in unison. Ask about my favorite Pho places.



PowerLinks Certificate 07/01/2009
Enter the Filing Cabinet | Online WorkRoom 08/22/2023
InfoMinute Seminar 08/21/2023
Fill the Filing Cabinet Workshop 08/21/2023
Orientation Essentials 08/21/2023
Best Client Workshop 06/19/2023
Orientation Essentials 01/16/2023
How to Benefit from an Association 01/09/2023
How to Build a Referral Marketing Plan 01/09/2023
InfoMinute Seminar 12/19/2022
GateOpener Workshop 11/21/2022
Best Client Workshop 06/12/2012
InfoMinute Seminar 05/17/2012
GateOpener Workshop 11/11/2011
Orientation Essentials 06/03/2009


Endorsement Letters I've Given

Dave Cuts - A Barber for Gentlemen

Dave Cuts - A Barber for Gentlemen


1579 Monroe Dr NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30324


Business Haircuts for Gentlemen near Ansley Park: Many of my clients are named Doctor, Chief, Captain, Vice or the last name is Esquire or CPA. He likes that I listen and repeat what I heard BEFORE I start cutting, and my note taking for his next visit.


Endorsement Letters I've Received

Personal Services | Self


Beard Services

Business Haircuts



Other Services

Group Events

Hair PRoducts

Filing Cabinet

Emory Team

Introduced by:

Sean Wheeler

Sean Wheeler

Joined on 05/21/2009


ParticipationCoOrdinator 05/31/2023
100% Club 09/21/2023


3-year Pin 05/17/2012


INTROMinutes I've Received

"I'm seeing Mom."

These three words get even the most hardcore haircut avoiders in the chair. If a long-haired person says this, they are NOT my ideal client (for a plethora of reasons).

That having been said, the new clients that I DO get from these "seasons" tell me that they wanted to get something more than a shop that says "walk right in." They often have this one area of their hair that just can't ever seem to be solved.

Wes used to wear a ballcap all the time, even at home and in business meetings. It was limiting his opportunities in his marriage and his career. Wearing a ballcap was much easier for him than having to fuss with his hair every morning, just to have it fall into a crazy mess by mid-morning. His hair had a combination of high density and active whirls in the growth pattern in the front part of his head. In short, his head looked like a hurricane. By using a technique that I learned from Michael O'Roarke (the man behind the "Big Sexy Hair" product line, I tamed both problems in five minutes, and he doesn't have to use his ballcap OR hair gel again... unless he wants to.

...and his Mom says he's not allowed to see any other Barbers.

Referral Trigger Response