Gerrell Sterling

Gerrell Sterling

Computer Service

technophile. (yes, I really love technology) husband. (1 wife) father. (2 daughters) backyard cook. (live fire + food + a little attitude!) goofball. (no notes required)



PowerLinks Certificate 07/01/2010
InfoMinute Seminar 07/17/2023
Orientation Essentials 07/17/2023
Best Client Workshop 05/06/2013
InfoMinute Seminar 06/18/2010
Orientation Essentials 05/13/2009


the technology professionals

the technology professionals


Atlanta, GA 30345



Endorsement Letters I've Received

Business Services | Technology

Computer Service


Managed Services

Filing Cabinet

Emory Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 03/20/2009


TeamCoOrdinator 02/07/2025
MembershipCoOrdinator 04/04/2024
Hand Pin 09/07/2016


10-year Pin 10/02/2024
5-year Pin 08/13/2014
3-year Pin 06/13/2012


Members I've Invited

Gina Hill

Gina Hill

Clay Jeffreys NMLS #211998

Clay Jeffreys NMLS #211998

Victor Delerme

Victor Delerme


Mindy runs a small real estate brokerage. She called up our office number one recent Thursday morning and said, "I think I deleted some files that I need. We have to keep these for regulatory purposes! What can I do?"

Calls like this can be difficult because there's usually only a small window of time to successfully recover deleted files, and then only in fairly specific circumstances.

But, because Mindy had the tech pros Managed Backup Service, I was able to login to her backups, search through the previous days until we found the day before the files went missing, and successfully restore the missing files. 

This result, a successful recovery, was the direct result of my recommendation to Mindy that her brokerage NEEDED the protection of automated, managed backups. The result was important to Mindy because she was able to meet her regulatory requirements, avoiding potential large fines. And she is confident that her business' data is safe, so she can focus on other important parts of her business.

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