James Davidson

James Davidson

Carpet Cleaning

I get to come home to my wife Gabby, my 1 year old daughter Sophia, & dog Bandit (with a 2nd daughter on the way!). We enjoy planning little 4 day trips to new towns in FL, TN & SC (mini-vacations). I enjoy a great film, a local restaurant & a fun game.




Breathe E-Z Air Duct & Carpet Cleaning

Breathe E-Z Air Duct & Carpet Cleaning


I love what I do the most when I hear from clients that their allergies have disappeared or their home smells clean. That’s why I named my company Breathe E-Z; the air ducts & carpet affect the air quality of a home, and I am an expert at cleaning both!


Endorsement Letters I've Received

1. I am able to contribute to the team as a 2nd Mentor Coordinator and as a Mentor for What To Do To Get Referrals.

2. Since the majority of my own business comes through gateopeners, I am always trying to keep an eye out for potential other gateopeners for those in my network. When I am able to connect someone from my team to a gateopener from another PowerCore Team (or one of my clients), I know that can potentially be one of the most valuable connections I can make. 

Referral Trigger Response

North Gwinnett Team

Introduced by:

Alex Guglielmino

Alex Guglielmino

Joined on 02/04/2020


TeamCoOrdinator 06/02/2023
VisitorCoOrdinator 12/07/2020
MembershipCoOrdinator 08/04/2022
MentorCoOrdinator 09/25/2024


3-year Pin 02/21/2023


InfoMinute Seminar 03/16/2020
Orientation Essentials 03/16/2020
