Chris Lawton

Chris Lawton

Computer Service

I'm originally from England and have worked in the IT industry for longer than I care to admit. I live in Johns Creek with my canine Boston children, Bowie and PepperPots and love the 3 M's: Movies, Music and Motorcycles.


At NJA, the goal is to provide the best technical solutions for client businesses. As a consultative company, the process consists of analyzing what technologies and services are currently being used and making recommendations that we believe would be in the best interests of the client’s business.  

Sometimes the client may not want to change to the recommended solution, which may be down to cost, time, or Linus just may not want to give up his blanket.

At NJA, we respect the wishes of the client, that doesn’t mean we may agree and may need approach the subject at a different time, using a different angle, but we always provide the support needed for what technologies and services are being used right now.

Referral Trigger Response

Not Just Anyone LLC

Not Just Anyone LLC




NJA is a technology and managed services provider specializing in strategy, architecture, design, systems implementation, web development, hosting, and management of comprehensive IT & business solutions. At NJA, Excellence in service is everything!


Endorsement Letters I've Received

Endorsement Letters I've Given

Roswell 400 Team

Introduced by:

Melody Swilling

Melody Swilling

Joined on 07/14/2021


VisitorCoOrdinator 10/05/2021
MentorCoOrdinator 08/10/2022
100% Club 03/07/2024


3-year Pin 08/22/2024


InfoMinute Seminar 09/20/2021
Orientation Essentials 09/20/2021
