Christopher  Lyboldt

Christopher Lyboldt

Senior Care Advisor


Avid fisherman, a former writer for the children's show "Blues Clues," and fascinated by the life stories of the older adults I serve. I'm a storyteller at Northpoint for kindergartners and 1st graders. Ask me for my porcini risotto recipe. Delizioso!


7-Minute Presentation Workshop 09/16/2024
GateOpener Workshop 03/18/2024
InfoMinute Seminar 03/18/2024
Best Client Workshop 10/16/2023
Enter the Filing Cabinet | Online WorkRoom 08/22/2023
Fill the Filing Cabinet Workshop 08/21/2023
InfoMinute Seminar 05/15/2023
Orientation Essentials 05/15/2023




Senior Care Authority

Senior Care Authority


13010 Morris Road
Suite 650
Alpharetta, GA 30004


Family caregiving for an elder is difficult. The family caregiver sacrifices everything, and the elder continues to decline. I find care solutions that enable the elder to thrive with dignity, and the caregiver to live with peace of mind.


Members I've Invited

Mandy Rocco

Mandy Rocco

Steven Stewart

Steven Stewart


INTROMinutes I've Given

The conventional knowledge about elder care advisors is that they are exclusively dedicated to placement. The key differentiation that I bring to the market is that I don't have a placement bias. I'm able to navigate families through multiple programs including Medicaid waiver coaching, and skilled nursing facility placement. These are just two examples of services that most placement agents don't focus on.  Positioning myself in the market without placement bias has served my clients because they don't feel like they're being sold into a single service. I'm able to truly meet them where they are an offer a solution that's authentic, and that best represents the needs of the older adult that requires care.

Referral Trigger Response

Roswell 400 Team

Joined on 03/22/2023


MentorCoOrdinator 04/10/2024
100% Club 03/07/2024


Primary Care Physicians as a Gate Opener

Geriatric patients make up nearly 40% of primary care visits. Many need more than medical care; they need guidance on housing, in-home support, and long-term care options. Dr. Reynolds sees this firsthand. His patient, Mrs. Carter, comes in repeatedly with worsening mobility and a daughter overwhelmed by caregiving. He knows they need more support, but his time is limited, and senior care options aren’t his expertise. If he introduced families like Mrs. Carter’s to me, I could guide them through their choices. With the right help, she could move to Assisted Living, thrive in a safe environment, and relieve her daughter’s burden—all while saving the office time. Introduce me to Dr. Jones, a primary care physician with a growing senior patient base. He needs a trusted resource to guide families through elder care decisions. Ask Dr. Jones, “Would having a go-to expert for senior care solutions make life easier for you and your patients?”


Personal Services | Care

Senior Care Advisor

Placement Assistance

Medicaid Coaching and Placement

SNF Placement

Peace of Mind Visitation

Family Mediation

Age in Place Ecosystem


Filing Cabinet

Endorsement Letters I've Given