Tom Wallace

Tom Wallace

Financial Counselor


I've been married for over 44 years. I have two adult children and 1 grandson (so far). I'm an avid Chicago Bears fan. I enjoy woodworking. I love the outdoors and enjoy fitness activities like running, cycling, and swimming.


How to Benefit from an Association 08/04/2023
How to Build a Referral Marketing Plan 03/03/2023
GateOpener Workshop 07/18/2022
Best Client Workshop 05/16/2022
7-Minute Presentation Workshop 03/21/2022
How to Benefit from an Association 02/21/2022
How to Build a Referral Marketing Plan 01/17/2022
Fill the Filing Cabinet Workshop 12/20/2021
InfoMinute Seminar 11/15/2021
Orientation Essentials 11/15/2021


Angel Officer 10/09/2024


Wallace Financial Coaching

Wallace Financial Coaching


P.O. Box 692
Sharpsburg, GA 30277


My clients want to be able to talk with their spouse about money without it turning into a fight. Know where their money went at the end of the month is important. They are planning (and paying) for their next vaction before they go on their trip.


INTROMinutes I've Received

INTROMinutes I've Given

Cash Flow Planning is a crucial initial step for my clients.  It consists of three parts: creating a proactive budget, connecting with their why, and prioritizing their spending.

Creating a proactive budget has two halves...allocating spending and determining needs vs. wants.

Sometimes, determining the absolute needs within a budget can get clouded with what they want.  Our initial meeting looks at their overall budget, and then we dissect the different parts to help them identify where they have opportunities to trim their budget.

Once a solid, proactive budget is in place, we will use that each month moving forward and refine it for specifics within each month.


Referral Trigger Response

Peachtree City Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 09/13/2021


TeamCoOrdinator 08/05/2022
ParticipationCoOrdinator 04/08/2024


3-year Pin 09/25/2024


What you think about money

Take a moment and jot down the first five words that pop into your head when you think about money…

This simple exercise can help my clients uncover what money really means to them.

This helps them identify where these beliefs come from, like past experiences, family values, etc. This opens the door to exploring why they make the financial choices they do. There might be hidden beliefs holding them back from reaching their goals.

The next question I ask them is, what thoughts around money might not be serving you well? This exercise helps them reconnect and redefine what financial success truly looks like for them.

I’m a good referral for the couple who are struggling with making progress on their financial goals. Connect us and I can help them dig deeper into what’s holding them back.

Tom Wallace - Wallace Financial Coaching


Financial Services | Finance

Financial Counselor

Debt Elimination Plan

Cash Flow Planning

Savings Planning

Financial Wellness Workshop

Filing Cabinet