Tom Wallace

Tom Wallace

Financial Counselor


I've been married for over 43 years. Have two adult children. I'm an avid Chicago Bears fan. I enjoy woodworking. I love the outdoors and enjoy fitness activities like running, cycling, and swimming. I also participate in triathlons.


How to Benefit from an Association 08/04/2023
How to Build a Referral Marketing Plan 03/03/2023
GateOpener Workshop 07/18/2022
Best Client Workshop 05/16/2022
7-Minute Presentation Workshop 03/21/2022
How to Benefit from an Association 02/21/2022
How to Build a Referral Marketing Plan 01/17/2022
Fill the Filing Cabinet Workshop 12/20/2021
InfoMinute Seminar 11/15/2021
Orientation Essentials 11/15/2021




Wallace Financial Coaching

Wallace Financial Coaching


P.O. Box 692
Sharpsburg, GA 30277


I've walked the journey from deep in debt to being debt free, so I understand both the emotional and financial struggle with debt. I guide families struggling with money through a simple plan of action to take complete control of their finances.


INTROMinutes I've Received

INTROMinutes I've Given

Early on in working with a recent client, I quickly realized that the husband was very impulsive when it came to spending money.  I was very direct with him in saying that this type of spending was not serving him and his family well and was also jeopardizing his financial future.  He along with his wife, developed a plan to introduce some "friction" into his buying process to help him slow down and think before he purchased.  He still has work to do, but he is making great progress.

Referral Trigger Response

Peachtree City Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 09/13/2021


TeamCoOrdinator 08/05/2022
ParticipationCoOrdinator 04/08/2024


Money Mindset #3

To set about changing their money mindset, my clients need to understand where their mindset currently stands. A couple of exercises that help gain insight into their existing attitudes about money include:

Self-Reflection Questions. Asking questions like “What does money represent to me?”, or “What are my biggest financial fears and hopes?” Then writing down the answers and looking for patterns or themes that they not be consciously aware of.

Financial Journaling. Tracking their spending for at least a month and noting what they bought, the cost and why. Reflecting on sending habits can gain insight on their priorities and beliefs about money as well as pinpoint areas that don’t align with their goals.

I’m a great referral for the couple who need help redirecting their money beliefs so they can thrive, not just survive.

Tom Wallace - Wallace Financial Coaching


Financial Services | Finance

Financial Counselor

Debt Elimination Plan

Cash Flow Planning

Savings Planning

Financial Wellness Workshop

Filing Cabinet