Jake Shumard

Jake Shumard

Real Estate Attorney


Health Talents International provides healthcare to the people of Guatemala and trains the future of medicine in Guatemala. My wife is an RN at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. We enjoy going to church, visiting Hiawassee, GA, and competing on Peloton.


Ben Ragin is in insurance. I am in real estate. 

1. Should I transfer my real estate to my trust?

a. is it a primary residence or a family lake house, beach house w/o cash compensation

Jakes purposes-yes

Bens purposes- yes                    ; or 

b. is it for a rental investment 

Jakes purposes- no

Bens purposes- no

**people sue people with money and in their mind, and Morgan & Morgans mind, trusts, however erraneous the logic=$**

2. Should I transfer my vehicle to my trust 

 Jakes purposes- w/o trust ownership I can still keep you out of probate court using a GA form T-20

Ben's purposes- no, for reasons above. 

3. What if I propose LLC ownership instead: 

Primary residence 

Jake- sure, but you will lose homestead exemption

Ben- I do not really care

Investment Property (w/ cash compensation i.e. rental) 

Yes, yes


Only if legitimately used for business purpose




Referral Trigger Response

Baker & Summy, PC

Baker & Summy, PC


6340 Sugarloaf Parkway
Suite 200
Duluth , GA 30097



Endorsement Letters I've Received

Endorsement Letters I've Given

Brookhaven Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 08/17/2022


ParticipationCoOrdinator 10/29/2023
100% Club 09/19/2023


Orientation Essentials 10/17/2022
InfoMinute Seminar 10/17/2022
