Dr. Kenneth Strack

Dr. Kenneth Strack


Father of two boys and a girl. Diehard Boston sports fan. I love to golf and just recently started getting into woodworking. Hopefully when I walk into any room in my house I can point at something and say, "I made that"


Endorsement Letters I've Received

For the first couple years of being on Powercore, I did not have a good program in place. I didn't have a good way to mark the completed referrals and the ones that were supposed to be completed soon. So I decided to change the way that I pass them. I try to pass referrals at the table when the connection is made, or the deal is done. 

I do have some exceptions, like if my patient wants the Powercore worker to reach out to them. Another one would be a three way connection. And in those connections, I will ask the Powercore member the best way to make that connection. I do my best not to give cold call referrals because one thing I've learned from my time on Powercore, no one here has time to make cold calls.

Referral Trigger Response

Strack Chiropractic Wellness Center

Strack Chiropractic Wellness Center


246 Creekstone Ridge
Woodstock, Ga 30188


My clients want to move better. They usually have pain in areas that have bothered them for years and cannot figure out how to keep it away. Someone who loves coming into my office is a person that wants to fix the problem to keep the pain away.


Members I've Invited

Ellen Tyler

Ellen Tyler

Ivan Oceguera

Ivan Oceguera


Endorsement Letters I've Given

Towne Lake Team

Introduced by:

Dr. Matt Cleary

Dr. Matt Cleary

Joined on 03/16/2018


TeamCoOrdinator 08/05/2022
ParticipationCoOrdinator 07/05/2023
MembershipCoOrdinator 02/06/2025
MentorCoOrdinator 12/07/2020
Hand Pin 10/27/2023


5-year Pin 10/27/2023
3-year Pin 08/20/2021



PowerLinks Certificate 05/17/2018
InfoMinute Seminar 05/14/2018
Orientation Essentials 05/14/2018
