Jon Ongtingco

Jon Ongtingco

Computer Service

I am comfortable playing chess or rock climbing. I enjoy watching movies and TV and love going to trivia nights whenever I can. I met my wife in a bookstore and we have a room dedicated to books, board games, and Legos. I quote movies during meetings.


Safety on Public WIFI

Chris took his family to Orlando and used the hotel wifi. It did not require a password, only his room number and last name. He turned on a monthly VPN service that he purchased online. During the day, he left his PC unattended and connected to the wifi network. Because the network was open, anyone else connected would have the ability to see and potentially access his laptop. The hotel staff would also have access to his laptop when they entered the room. My solution is to setup an automatic logout connected to his cellphone so that when he walks away the system locks, a private VPN connection, and a monitor that checks for malicious attempts to access his PC. He can now enjoy his family vacation without worrying about his laptop back at the hotel. I am a great referral for your client that works while they vacation. I can secure their system to prevent bad actors from accessing it.


Business Services | Technology

Computer Service

Managed Services


Data Backup

Low Voltage Cabling


Filing Cabinet

Endorsement Letters I've Given

SOHO Data and Voice

SOHO Data and Voice


445 Windy Hill Road
Suite 100
Marietta, GA 30060


Customers do not always want to hear how it was fixed, they would rather just have it work. I keep technology working so they can keep working. Any sufficiently developed technology is indistinguishable from magic and my clients appreciate magic.


Endorsement Letters I've Received


PowerLinks Certificate 10/27/2006
Enter The Filing Cabinet | online WorkRoom 04/19/2023
How to Benefit from an Association 10/03/2022
How to Build a Referral Marketing Plan 06/20/2022
7-Minute Presentation Workshop 09/17/2018
Platinum Card WorkRoom 01/23/2017
Purple Card WorkRoom 12/19/2016
Filling The Filing Cabinet WorkRoom 12/19/2016
Best Client Workshop 05/16/2016
InfoMinute Seminar 05/16/2016
Filling the Filing Cabinet Workshop 08/05/2014
Orientation Essentials 07/03/2014
GateOpener Workshop 12/04/2008


AlphaTester 09/02/2021
Angel Officer 08/09/2018
Coach 08/07/2017
PowerWings 04/09/2015
Angel Officer 04/09/2015


Cumberland Team

Introduced by:

Lisa Harris

Lisa Harris

Joined on 08/30/2006


TeamCoOrdinator 06/05/2023
MembershipCoOrdinator 04/04/2024
Hand Pin 07/18/2013
100% Club 12/22/2022


15-year Pin 09/02/2021
10-year Pin 09/15/2016
5-year Pin 09/29/2011
3-year Pin 10/29/2009


Members I've Invited

Michael Smith

Michael Smith

Stefanie Haley

Stefanie Haley


INTROMinutes I've Given

September leads into the 4th quarter and budgets are being expended and final decisions for the end of the year are happening. I review equipment to ensure it is still within specifications for the next year; firewalls often age out and are no longer PCI compliant, for instance. Once the review of all equipment is complete, I can suggest which computers, switches, or firewalls need to be replaced, the time frame, and cost so that budgetary decisions can be finalized.

Referral Trigger Response