Jon Ongtingco

Jon Ongtingco

Computer Service

I wrote my first program on an Apple IIe in 1985. I enjoy hiking and camping with my family as much as I enjoy working in technology. Quote a movie to me and I bet I can name it.


Email Domain Monitoring

In an effort to reduce spam and fraud, email hosts are locking down security making the way we used to use email difficult. Even after setting up your domain perfectly with an SPF Record (Sender Policy Frame), a DKIM record (Domainkeys Identified Mail), and a DMARC record (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance); if you send out tens of thousands of emails a day, you will still be flagged by many carriers as an offender, even if the emails are all legitimate. Email now requires monitoring, especially for large organizations. Lack of monitoring lead to the block placed by AT&T on Microsoft. Microsoft "trusted" its users to perform their own in house security and monitoring which lead to widespread abuse and negligence causing rampant spam from their servers which now affects those who did the right thing as well as those that did not. The next time an email "didn't go through", ask them when their last domain review was and refer them to Jonathan Ongtingco.


Business Services | Technology

Computer Service

Managed Services


Data Backup

Low Voltage Cabling


Filing Cabinet

Endorsement Letters I've Given

SOHO Data and Voice

SOHO Data and Voice


445 Windy Hill Road
Suite 100
Marietta, GA 30060


Customers do not always want to hear how it was fixed, they would rather just have it work. I keep technology working so they can keep working.


Endorsement Letters I've Received


PowerLinks Certificate 10/27/2006
Enter The Filing Cabinet | online WorkRoom 04/19/2023
How to Benefit from an Association 10/03/2022
How to Build a Referral Marketing Plan 06/20/2022
7-Minute Presentation Workshop 09/17/2018
Platinum Card WorkRoom 01/23/2017
Purple Card WorkRoom 12/19/2016
Filling The Filing Cabinet WorkRoom 12/19/2016
Best Client Workshop 05/16/2016
InfoMinute Seminar 05/16/2016
Filling the Filing Cabinet Workshop 08/05/2014
Orientation Essentials 07/03/2014
GateOpener Workshop 12/04/2008


AlphaTester 09/02/2021
Angel Officer 08/09/2018
Coach 08/07/2017
PowerWings 04/09/2015
Angel Officer 04/09/2015


Cumberland Team

Introduced by:

Lisa Harris

Lisa Harris

Joined on 08/30/2006


TeamCoOrdinator 06/05/2023
MembershipCoOrdinator 04/04/2024
Hand Pin 07/18/2013
100% Club 12/22/2022


15-year Pin 09/02/2021
10-year Pin 09/15/2016
5-year Pin 09/29/2011
3-year Pin 10/29/2009


Members I've Invited

Michael Smith

Michael Smith

Stefanie Haley

Stefanie Haley


INTROMinutes I've Given

Two to my left is Trevor Balliet and when I see invitations to a graduation celebration, i know it is time to discuss renter's insurance and he is a great source for advice that makes sense and coverage that is thorough without breaking the bank.

Referral Trigger Response