Linda Loud

Linda Loud

Cosmetics & Skin Care

I’m a Family Gal: wife to Ken, Mom to 3 adult daughters and Mimi to my 8-y-o grandson. I love my Loud in-laws (42 & counting). Our annual Loud Crowd gathering is typically in places that offer hiking, biking and kayaking. Our Empty Nest includes 2 cats.



PowerLinks Certificate 01/30/2015
InfoMinute Seminar 11/18/2024
Advanced InfoMinute Seminar 05/26/2022
Filling The Filing Cabinet WorkRoom 04/17/2017
InfoMinute Seminar 05/16/2016
7-Minute Presentation Workshop 04/06/2015
Filling the Filing Cabinet Workshop 12/08/2014
GateOpener Workshop 11/10/2014
Orientation Essentials 11/05/2014


My client needed end-of year appreciation gifts for his preferred clients and professional colleagues and some personal gifts for friends and family. 

I shared features of my Mary Kay Gift Service: I identified which products were most appropriate for gift-giving to make the gifts personal... but not TOO personal! I told him I offer free giftwrapping and free shipping or delivery. Plus, each gift includes my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and a certificate for a free Mary Kay facial. In the gifts for men the certificate and guarantee note mentioned our MKMen products.

We determined who he needed gifts for, what his budget was, and how quickly he needed the gifts to be delivered. When we actually met I brought along several examples of different gift ideas within his price range so he could see the products and various gift wrapping options. Once he placed his order, I gathered the products and supplies and put them all together in the gift wrapping selelctions he had chosen.  I delivered most of them directly to him in the timeframe he specified and there were four gifts that I mailed on his behalf using either UPS or the postal service.  He appreciated having me take the hassle out of his holiday shopping that year: I provided 11 gifts and he spent less than $300. 

Referral Trigger Response

Mary Kay Consultant

Mary Kay Consultant


5218 Michael's Way
Woodstock, GA 30188


My best client has WTBS: Way Too Busy Syndrome! She knows the importance of skin care & the competitive edge of Goldilocks makeup at work: too much/too little/just right! She wants a personal consultant for products to meet her skin care & cosmetic needs.


Endorsement Letters I've Received

Personal Services | Self

Cosmetics & Skin Care


Filing Cabinet

North Point Team

Introduced by:

Mrs. Valerie Brutti

Mrs. Valerie Brutti

Joined on 09/27/2000


TeamCoOrdinator 12/07/2020
ParticipationCoOrdinator 08/08/2022
100% Club 02/15/2024


5-year Pin 05/02/2019
3-year Pin 04/20/2017


Gold Star Pin 06/16/2022

Members I've Invited

John Smith

John Smith

Jacque Streever

Jacque Streever

Jared Croskey

Jared Croskey

Alec Gray

Alec Gray

Dr. Brian Herron

Dr. Brian Herron

Lois Benson-Talley

Lois Benson-Talley

Raul Blazquez

Raul Blazquez


AlphaTester 10/28/2021
Coach 08/07/2017
